Wednesday, May 12, 2021

“WONKY KIND’A DAY” by Jill Haglund


I found this vase set on and was immediately taken by them. I looked at them more then several times over a month-long period and finally decided if I didn't purchase them -they might disappear never to be seen again. One day I bit the bullet and bought them, they arrived super quickly and when I opened the box they were SO MUCH better then I even imagined! I immediately painted them with roses...See “Double Date”, then I realized I just wanted to paint them in WONKY ways! So I started the Wonky Series- quirky little paintings of this lovely set of vases painted in a multitude of color palettes and settings. So... with that said "Meet the Wonkies" is just beginning!

14"x11"x.75" Acrylic on Canvas

View purchase info HERE

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