Wednesday, October 28, 2020

"Rhythm Reflections" Palette Knife Painting by Niki Gulley


"Rhythm Reflections" ©2020 Niki Gulley
36" x 60" textured oil painting on canvas

There is nothing like living in a concrete jungle to make you appreciate nature. Being outside and having the natural surrounding envelope you is pure joy. I love looking at reflections, the shimmering quality that it gives everything just adds to the magic. That is what I wanted to capture in this scene, a flow between the real and the perceived real, where I could play with paint through various techniques of thin and thick, along with drips. Leaving things a little abstract allows the viewer to make their own interpretations. 

For more information on "Rhythm Reflections," please contact AO5 Gallery at

To see more of my palette knife contemporary landscape paintings, visit

E-mail - Niki Gulley

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