Wednesday, October 14, 2020

New "Meandering Journey" Palette Knife Aspen Tree Painting by Niki Gulley

"Meandering Journey"
16" x 20" textured oil by Niki Gulley

I love going to Santa Fe, but what I find truly special, is being able to go up into the mountains and spend time painting aspen trees. There is a beautiful grove of them set back along a stream, that is pretty much one of natures finest works. I can get lost for hours in there just moving from one spot to another.

I'm excited to have been invited to exhibit at Studio Seven Arts in Pleasanton, CA. If you'd like to see or find out more details about Meandering Journey, please check them out:

Studio Seven Arts Gallery

400 Main Street
Pleasanton, CA

E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her palette knife aspen and birch tree paintings.

See to see more of her contemporary landscape paintings.

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