Monday, December 2, 2019

"Chasing Dragons" Oil Painting from Slovenia by Niki Gulley

"Chasing Dragons," Ljubljana ©2018 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 7" x 5" textured oil painting

Slovenia and Croatia Art Trek - Day 1
Led by Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

Just Sold! This summer, my husband, Scott Williams, and I led an Art Trek to Slovenia and Croatia where we taught photography, painting and showed the rest of our group who weren't painting or photographing some of the highlights in those countries. It was an amazing trip, and everyone said it was probably two of their favorite countries they'd ever visited!

On our first day, we arrived in Ljubljana, the capitol of Slovenia. The city is lined with dragons everywhere since they are the symbol for the city and they even have a Dragonolgy course through the local college! We chose to paint their famous Dragon Bridge while the photographers shot and explored the city. Above is one of the bronze creatures that greet you as you're crossing the bridge.

That afternoon we gave everyone free time to explore the castle, the beautiful city streets and architecture, shop, etc. and that evening we gathered for an amazing meal at their Michelin rated restaurant. A perfect ending to a wonderful day!

To see more of my travel location paintings, visit


If you're interested in joining us on one of our upcoming Art Treks or Foodie Treks to Iceland or Tuscany, please let us know. Spaces fill up quickly!

Iceland - Aug. 2020
Foodie Trek - Tuscany - Oct. 2020
Paris - May 2021
Portugal - Sept. 2021

For more information on upcoming Treks, please visit

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