Thursday, September 20, 2018

"Surrender", Original Mixed Media Abstract Painting by Colorado Artist, Donna L. Martin


This is an original mixed media painting, just completed.  I had started with the background and had no idea what to do for the focal point.  I sat with this piece for a few days before I added the hummingbird.  At the time, it was just a few days before the hummingbirds in our yard were gone for the season and I wanted to remember them this year.  I was also contemplating how so many of my family and friends are in the midst of quite a few challenges this year.  I wanted this painting to symbolize love, joy, truth, and resilience.  A spirit of surrendering to the moment, not giving up, but accepting the challenges and facing them with grace and fortitude. 

This painting will be available in an upcoming Facebook auction I am participating in.  Each month, our group donates 20% of our sales to a worthwhile charity or cause.  I would love it if you would check it out!  It's a great way to own a piece of original artwork while at the same time "paying it forward" and making a positive difference.  The link to our group is:

You can also find more of my work at:

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