Saturday, October 7, 2017

Florida Landscape, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, Tropical Painting, 5x7" Oil Landscape

I guess I am a typical artist.  By that, I mean unorganized!

I just found this little painting in the back of my inventory closet.  I must have painted it 6 or 7 years ago!

Purchase here

I always wondered why it didn't sell!

I sit here tonight (Sept 10) listening to the wind howl, the rain pounding, a huge tree down in our yard and another of about 19 tornado warnings on our weather radio going off.  Hurricane Irma has been beating us up all day, with the worse to come about 2:00 a.m.

Trying to do blog posts to distract from the fury outside.

On the bright side, for the time being, we still have power.  The lights flicker, but so far, they have come back on.  That's a biggy!  When we lose power in a hurricane, it usually takes close to a week to get it back.  A long hot, humid week!!

Thanks for reading my blog.

Carol Schiff
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