Sundown Sedona
Oil on Panel
Mixed Media
2.5 inch Wrap Panel
Semi-Precious Stones
Bringing in ELEMENTS of the earth into Fine Art
My “Elements” series is a creative blending of semi-precious stones and unique pieces of the earth with traditional fine art. I love finding and using things that were created by nature such as semi-precious stones and sea shells, using them in unique and creative ways.
“I’ve never seen anything like it” Is the biggest comment I get.
The semi-precious stones I use in my Elements series come from all over the world from various sources. Most of the stones I use have been collected throughout the year in order to work out my compositions and then incorporate them into my paintings.
Each semi-precious stone has individual properties generating energetically from the stone. My semi precious stones paintings will illuminate and fill your room with there energy where the art will hang.
I encourage people to touch the stones on the art to resonate with its properties. In my semi precious stone art I include properties of the stones with the descriptions. Some stones are healing, energizing, loving, and calming. Some resonate with different chakras and evoke emotions.
I love working with and showcasing the unique beauty found in each semi-precious stone. I hope you enjoy these unique works as much as I enjoy creating them.
Stones Used:
Genuine Sedona Rock: The famous red rocks of Sedona are formed by a layer of rock known as the Schnebly Hill Formation. The Schnebly Hill Formation is a thick layer of red to orange-colored sandstone found only in the Sedonavicinity. The sandstone, a member of the Supai Group, was deposited during the Permian Period.
Sedona Sunrise: A local Sedona stone that was recently found and named by Michael Silberhorn of Village Rock Shop in Sedona. Its properties include; Grounding, gateway stone to access past lives, balances Yin and Yang energies, promotes joy and happiness, brings clarity and awareness, relief from panic and exhaustion and strengthens the body.
Arizona Red Jasper: Helps clear your mind while in meditation, great to use to connect to grounding energy, for root or base chakra, eliminates negativity, stone for passion, helps stimulate ones own passion and creativity, good for new ideas and is great for protection.
Catlinite: (also called pipestone) is a type of argillite (metamorphosed mudstone), usually brownish-red in color, which occurs in a matrix of Sioux Quartzite. Used as a Native American ceremony stone. Catlinite carries the energy of connecting the spiritual and the physical. It can be used to ground prayer and ritual into the physical, everyday life. It is also a very protective stone. Catlinite is also used for communication with spirits and the ancestors. Great for root or base chakra.
Amethyst: Treats insomnia, relives tension, helps overcome grief and loss, brings about spiritual awareness, constricting thinking and acting, good for skin, alleviates pain, lowers blood pressure, releases imbalances. Connects with spirituality and provides contentment. Clears the aura and relieves dysfunctional energy located within the body. Useful during meditation to promote and maintain a calm and peaceful state. Encourages sobriety, promotes sleep and combats headaches. Good for third eye chakra. Sign of Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius & Capricorn.