What better time to try something fresh and new than in the Spring? Following my recent trend of painting over textured canvasses I applied a fabulous gold acrylic over this rather geometric, trellis-type design. I had been saving this paint for just the right project because I ordered it from Japan and paid $60 for it, believing it to have a luster unlike any of the Golden or other acrylic brands I've used. I was not disappointed. Another unique building element in this painting is the handmade paper I tore and worked into a collage to create the tablecloth. It has a satisfying toothy fiber so that as I tore it all these wild threads were left dangling.
Precious Has Flowers on the Table
Mixed Media
30" x 30"
Precious Has Flowers on the Table
Mixed Media
30" x 30"
Look for more gilded works of art. I think I'm hooked!
Happy painting!
Jeannie Stone