The Comet Moth or Madagascan Moon Moth, Argema mittrei is a very large moth that is native to Madagascar, which is the 4th largest Islandin the world. It is the biggest silkworm in the world. Although endangered in the wild due to habitat loss, the Comet Moth is being successfully bred in captivity. It can be seen at many free flying butterfly houses.
6"x6" Watercolor on Paper/Available
Click HERE for purchase info.
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View Mindy's Class Schedule HERE

View Mindy's Class Schedule HERE
I am really excited with the wonderful responses I have been getting about my online classes. I started 2 years ago ad to date have had the privilege of teaching over 400 artists worldwide. I have students from England, Germany, Tasmania, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Russia, Spain, Canada, Italy and of course the USA. The internet has allowed me to work with so many interesting people and it really is inspiring to see them posting their assignments on Facebook and sharing their knowledge. I wasn’t sure I would like this style of teaching because I am used to teaching people fact to face. The more I do it, the more I enjoy…….The internet has allowed the world to be a classroom! I am continuing to offer 3 classes starting March 22, 2017.
CLICK HERE for a listing of the classes and information about what you can expect if you decide to join us….. We would love to have you!