Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Winter Shadows Abstract Winter Landscape Deb Kirkeeide

Winter Shadows
8x6 Oil on panel
©2016 Deb Kirkeeide

Does it count as plein air when it is painted from my window?
How about if I paint with the windows thrown wide open?

This was painted from my studio window during one our recent plunges into the deep freeze this winter. I admit it, I am not a hardy, do or die for my art, type of plein air painter. But I sure do admire those who are dedicated to painting in our Minnesota winters.

This is a bit different in style for me and I like this one.

I was painting at my easel and the winter shadows caught my eye, so I quickly tried to lay down the foundations as the light changed faster than I could mix the paint. I decided I liked the simplicity and spontaneity of it and let it be.


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