Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Study with Sandra Duran Wilson in Santa Fe New Mexico, March 15th-17th....


                                                        Touchable Textures                                         

                                 With Sandra Duran Wilson                                

                            Santa Fe, NM March 15-17, 2017

Having experiences is what travel is all about. Make memories with new creative adventures during an art holiday in Santa Fe, NM. This retreat will inspire and refresh your creative spirit. All levels are welcome and all supplies are provided, just show up and create. I love textures and I will share with you some insider tips on creating luscious layers and building depth with shadows and highlights. We will work with acrylic gels, pastes, paints and more. You can create surfaces that look like stone, metal or plaster. You will leave with inspiration and beautiful art to remember your adventure by.   

                       READ MORE about this workshop or register HERE
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