Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Mixed Media Abstract Collage, "Billboard 6" © Carol Nelson Fine Art

"Billboard 6" 30x40 abstract by Caro Nelson

This is the sixth in my Billboard Series of abstract, geometric collages. Each one is a puzzle to create. Most of the papers are hand altered before use.

Moving them around, painting over them, tearing things off, adjusting values and colors - it's all part of the creative process of collage that I love.

This painting has a little message:  "Don't compare your Chapter 1 with someone else's Chapter 20."  I see that all the time in my teaching.  Beginning students want their work to look just like the teacher's work IMMEDIATELY.  Developing your art is a multi-year process.  Chapter 1 is only the beginning.


 40"x30"x1.5 Mixed Media on Canvas/Available

 Click HERE for pricing.

 View more of my work at http://carolnelsonfineart.com

 Learn about my special Canvas Minis HERE

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 View my available BOOKS Here


It's been two weeks since the launch of my new teaching video, "New Approaches to Mixed Media Materials," an the response has been amazing.  I am so please that hundreds of you have purchased the video and then told me how valuable you think it is.

If you want to see what all the hoopla is about, click this link:

You can watch the trailer, and if you're not completely satisfied, there is a money back guarantee.

 Learn about my special Canvas Minis HERE

 Sign up for my quarterly newsletter HERE


 View my available BOOKS Here

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